About Transient
The Transient painting strikingly juxtaposes life and death. It presents a hauntingly beautiful composition.
The background transitions from dark to light. At the bottom, black dominates. Then, it gradually lightens to shades of gray and white. Consequently, this creates depth and a dreamlike atmosphere.
In the foreground, flora and fauna float ethereally. Vibrant plants include grass, thistles, viper’s bugloss, and lilac. Meanwhile, stark reminders of mortality appear as various bones. These elements hover weightlessly, evoking surrealism.
At the center, a circular void draws the eye. It contrasts sharply with the surrounding transient life and death imagery.
The title Transient perfectly encapsulates the theme. It explores existence’s fleeting nature. Furthermore, it balances life’s beauty against death’s inevitability.
60 cm x 80 cm
Created 2017.
Acrylic on canvas.