About At Our Service
The painting showcases a vast, luminous sky. Voluminous clouds dominate, creating depth and tranquility. A branch extends from one side, grounding the ethereal scene. It serves as a focal point, connecting sky to earth.
Various insects flutter around the branch. They add movement and life to the composition. Their presence highlights nature’s interconnectedness. These small creatures play a vital role in our ecosystem.
The title, ”At Our Service,” pays tribute to insects’ overlooked contributions. It emphasizes their essential services, such as pollination and maintaining ecological balance.
This artwork harmoniously blends the grand with the minute. Soft, bright cloud colors likely contrast with darker tones of the branch and insects. This interplay accentuates the beauty and importance of both elements.
Overall, the painting invites viewers to appreciate nature’s delicate balance. It reminds us of the significance of even the smallest creatures in our world.
107 cm x 107 cm
Created 2020.
Acrylic on canvas. insect